Pregnancy Scan

Essential Information for Parents through Educational Videos

How to monitor a baby’s movements in the womb?

How to Calculate Your Baby's Due Date?

What is Non-Invasive Prenatal Test( NIPT) During Pregnancy?

How to know baby is growing well in womb?

What baby positions are favorable for normal delivery ?

How to monitor baby weight ?

What is Cord around the baby's neck?

How to relieve stomach bloating during pregnancy?

What is amniotic fluid and why is it important?

What is Amniocentesis?What happens during the procedure?

Baby Kicking During Pregnancy

What is the role of follicular scans when you have difficulty getting pregnant?

Bleeding during pregnancy

Why is sex determination illegal in India?

How twin pregnancy will happen?

What is Gestational Diabetes Mellitus?

Why is it important to balance thyroid hormones during pregnancy?

How to prepare for a Glucose Tolerance Test in pregnancy?

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome(PCOS) - Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

What is Fetal Echo & Why is it Important in Pregnancy ?

Is fetal hydronephrosis a life-threatening condition in unborn babies?

What should be the ideal weight gain of a pregnant woman during pregnancy?

Attention all pregnant mothers who love cats!

What is an HSG test?

What is Biochemical Pregnancy ?

What is ectopic pregnancy?

What is the safest way to travel during pregnancy?

What is amniotic fluid and why is it important?

How to get rid of pregnancy pelvic pain?

What happens, if both the parents having the same blood group ?

How to reduce stretch marks during pregnancy?

Can Marrying Relatives Affect Pregnancy?

Holes in Babies’ Hearts! Should you be worried?

10 Important Lab Tests One Should Never Miss in their Pregnancy

What is the ideal heartbeat of the baby inside the womb?

How to prepare for the glucose challenge test in pregnancy?

How to find the right doctor & facility in your pregnancy?

What it is going to be normal or C- Section ?

What is the ideal heartbeat of the baby inside the womb?

What is the ideal heartbeat of the baby inside the womb?

How to monitor a baby’s movements in the womb?

Baby movements in the womb are also known as fetal movements or kicks. 

You may feel your baby’s movement as early as 16 weeks of pregnancy, but most women usually feel somewhere between 18 and 24 weeks of gestation age. 

If this is your first pregnancy, you may not notice your baby’s movements until you are more than 20 weeks pregnant.

The baby’s movements can feel like a flutter, kick, swish or roll.  But, there is no set pattern for these movements because every baby and every pregnancy is different.

 As your pregnancy progresses, the kicks become stronger and more noticeable, and your baby will develop a regular movement pattern, which you should monitor daily.

Usually, there should be 10-12 movements in one hour after your meal.  If you feel less than 10 movements in one hour, eat some sugary food and then recount the movements for another hour. 

If you still feel the baby’s kicks are less, then you should consult your doctor. 

Reduced baby movements may indicate that the baby is unwell. Your doctor might advise you to get an ultrasound scan to see the baby’s well-being.

How to monitor a baby’s movements in the womb?

How to Calculate Your Baby's Due Date?

Here are 3 simple ways to Calculate Your Baby’s Arrival Date

1. By the LMP method, If you know the first day of your last menstrual period, by adding 280 days to it, you can know your estimated delivery date or EDD.

For example, if your LMP was January 1, just add 280 days, which is October 8. That will be your EDD.

2.Type EDD calculator on Google. Multiple options will pop up. Select one and enter the required information to know the EDD.

The above two ways will work when you have regular cycles and know your LMP.

If you are not sure of your LMP,

3.the third simple way is to get an ultrasound scan. The radiologist will estimate your due date based on the baby’s length. Usually, first-trimester scans are accurate in knowing the EDD.

While due dates can be helpful for planning and preparing, it’s important to remember that they are just estimates. Only about 5% of babies are born on their due date, and most are born two weeks before and a few after the due date. 

How to Calculate Your Baby's Due Date?

What is Non-Invasive Prenatal Test( NIPT) During Pregnancy?

NIPT, or Non-invasive Prenatal test, is a simple blood test performed on pregnant women to detect potential genetic and chromosomal abnormalities in the unborn baby.

NIPT is usually done anytime after the 10th week of pregnancy. The test results take 10 to 14 working days.

Here are some common situations where the doctor recommends NIPT

  1. When the pregnant women age is more than 35 years
  2. When there is a family history of genetic conditions.
  3. When double, triple, or quadruple markers tests show a high risk for chromosomal abnormalities.
  4. When the ultrasound scan indicates chromosomal abnormalities.

NIPT analyzes the baby’s DNA in the mother’s blood and provides information about the baby’s risk of chromosomal abnormalities.

Unlike prenatal procedures such as amniocentesis and CVS, NIPT is non-invasive and poses no risk to the developing fetus, which means no risk of miscarriage.

NIPT has a 99% sensitivity and specificity for detecting chromosomal abnormalities.

A negative test result means chances of chromosomal abnormalities are extremely unlikely. Since NIPT is a screening test, a positive NIPT result should be confirmed with further diagnostic tests such as amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling 

What is Non-Invasive Prenatal Test( NIPT) During Pregnancy?

How to know baby is growing well in womb?

Baby has to grow incrementally inside the Uterus throughout the pregnancy. But sometimes, the baby doesn’t grow as expected. This condition is called Fetus growth restriction(FGR).

Three main factors cause the baby’s growth restriction

1)Issues with the placenta, which leads to poor blood supply to the baby

2)Inadequate nutrition intake by the mother

3)Genetic abnormalities in the baby

But worry not! Here are five important tips to improve your baby’s weight.

1) Do not miss your first-trimester scan. Your first trimester scans predict if there are any placental abnormalities by using Doppler study. In such cases, your doctor will advise blood thinner medicines to improve blood circulation to the baby.

2) Consume a well-balanced diet with essential nutrients like protein, iron, calcium, and folate. You may consult a nutritionist for better results.

3) Stay hydrated! Drink plenty of fluids to ensure your body functions properly and helps in nutrient absorption.

4) Get regular prenatal check-ups, which help to detect issues early and provide necessary guidance.

5) Stress management. Mothers should take adequate rest with good sleep for the baby’s growth.

How to know baby is growing well in womb ?

What baby positions are favorable for normal delivery ?

The baby’s position in the uterus is also known as a lie or presentation. The four baby positions are

  1. Cephalic /vertex Position: This is the most common and ideal position for a baby during Delivery, with the baby’s head facing downwards towards the birth canal. This position helps the baby pass through the birth canal more easily, allowing for normal Delivery.
  2. Breech Position: The baby is positioned with its buttocks or feet closest to the birth canal. This position increases the risk of complications, as the baby’s head may get stuck in the birth canal and must be delivered by a C-Section in most cases.   
  3. Transverse Position: This is when the baby is lying horizontally across the Uterus, with its head and feet pointing towards the sides. This position is rare, and Delivery must occur by C-section, as the baby cannot safely enter the birth canal.  
  4. Oblique Position: The baby is positioned diagonally in the Uterus, with its head and feet pointing to opposite sides. Normal Delivery is usually possible, but the baby must be monitored closely during Delivery.

One can know the baby position with the help of ultrasound scan. 

What baby positions are favorable for normal delivery?

How to monitor baby weight?

Most expecting mothers often ask this question during the scan.

Baby’s weight is usually captured during anomaly scans from the fifth month onwards. At around 19-20 weeks, the baby typically weighs about 250-300 grams. Between 20-30 weeks, the baby should gain 100-150grams every week. By the 30th week, the baby should weigh between 1.3 to 1.5 kilograms. From then on, the baby gains around 200-250 grams every week until delivery. By 37-40 weeks of pregnancy, your little one should weigh approximately 3-3.5 kilograms. Remember, these are ideal ranges. Ultrasound scans are the only way to know your baby’s approximate weight, which can be plus or minus 100 grams of the actual weight. Suppose the baby’s weight is not appropriate for the gestation age. In that case, your doctor will suggest a suitable diet, medications and the baby’s growth can be monitored through regular ultrasound scans.

 “DUE DATE” Everything you need to know about your Pregnancy

How to monitor baby weight?

What is Cord around the baby's neck?

When the umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby’s neck, it is called the nuchal cord. A nuchal cord can wrap around the baby’s neck in many ways, such as

1.An incomplete loose loop

2.A complete single loop around the neck

3.A tight loop more than a single loop.

Not all nuchal cords cause complications. An incomplete loop and a single loose loop should not be a concern. Since the position of the nuchal cord keep changing as the baby moves inside the womb.

A tight loop or more than one loop around the baby’s neck can cause complications during delivery. In this situation, the cord can further tighten around the baby’s neck as the baby moves down the birth canal, restricting oxygen supply and leading to fetal distress and stillbirth. If a nuchal cord is discovered during the labor, the doctor will monitor the baby’s heart rate to check for fetal distress. Sometimes, a cesarean section may be necessary if the cord is too tightly wrapped around the baby’s neck.

Observing the nuchal cord and other baby parameters is crucial during the 9th month of pregnancy scan. So do not miss your term growth scan. You can post your doubts or question in the comment section and follow me for more informative videos

What is Cord around the baby's neck?

How to relieve stomach bloating during pregnancy?

5 important tips to reduce the severity of pain

In part 1 video, I shared the reasons for pelvic and back pain during pregnancy and when you should consult the doctor.

One cannot entirely prevent pain during pregnancy; however, here are 5 important tips to reduce the severity of pain

  1. Maintain a good posture: Try to stand up straight and avoid slouching. You can use a chair with good back support when sitting.
  2. Exercise regularly and stay active: Regular exercise can help strengthen your muscles and reduce pain. One can consider low-impact activities like walking or prenatal yoga.
  3. Practice good sleeping habits: Sleep on your side with a pillow between your knees to support your pelvis and reduce pressure.
  4. Use pelvic support belts: Pelvic support belts can help support your pelvis and reduce pain and discomfort.
  5. If you cannot bear the Pain, consult a physiotherapist. A physiotherapist can help you develop an exercise program to strengthen your muscles and reduce the pain.

How to relieve stomach bloating during pregnancy?

What is amniotic fluid and why is it important?

Amniotic fluid, also known as Liquor amnii, is a fluid that surrounds the baby in the womb. Amniotic fluid is essential for the baby’s development and protection, as it cushions and provides a favorable temperature. Abnormal amniotic fluid levels in pregnancy can indicate a potential complication, such as infection, fetal growth restriction, fetal abnormalities, and preterm labor.

Ultrasound scans are the only means to measure amniotic fluid levels during pregnancy.

Reduced amounts of amniotic fluid is called oligohydramnios, where the single vertical pocket of fluid is less than 2cm or AFI less than 8. Oligohydramnios can be due to placental problems, premature rupture of membranes, or fetal abnormalities, especially kidney problems.

An oligohydramnios is treated by improving mothers’ nutrition, hydration, and arginine supplements.

An increased amniotic fluid is called polyhydramnios, where the single vertical pocket of fluid is more than 8 cm or AFI of more than 20.

Polyhydramnios can be due to gestational diabetes, fetus infections, or fetal abnormalities, especially intestine problems in the baby. But in most cases, there is no cause found for polyhydramnios. Hence no treatment is done.

An abnormal liquor level can impact the pregnancy and mode of delivery, so it is important for follow-up scans and proper treatment.

What is amniotic fluid and why is it important?

What is Amniocentesis?What happens during the procedure?

Let us dive into the topic of Amniocentesis, which is an important prenatal diagnostic test.

In this video, I will cover the role of Amniocentesis in a healthy pregnancy-Why the procedure is done? What happens during the procedure? When is it performed ? and the complications you should be aware of?

So, let’s get started!

Amniocentesis is advised for pregnant women when there is a higher risk of genetic or chromosomal abnormalities suspected in the baby. Usually, this procedure is advised when there are abnormal results in the pregnancy scan, double marker, quadruple marker,  NIPT, or when there is a family history of genetic conditions.

Amniocentesis is a medical procedure done to get a small sample of amniotic fluid surrounding the developing fetus in the uterus. This procedure is usually performed after the 16th  week of pregnancy.

The first step of the Amniocentesis is to review relevant medical records and test reports, explain the procedure and potential risks to the couple, and take consent for the amniocentesis procedure.

In the next step, the Radiologist will use ultrasound guidance to locate the position of the needle. Once the optimal spot is identified, a small dose of local anesthesia is given to numb the area. Then a thin long needle is gently inserted through the mother’s abdomen into the amniotic sac. After confirming the needle position, around 20ml of amniotic fluid is withdrawn using a syringe carefully avoiding contact with the fetus.

Then the needle is removed, and a small bandage is placed over the puncture site.

After the procedure, the amniotic fluid is sent to thr laboratory for further analysis like FISH, Karyotyping, Microarray tests, etc., depending upon the problem suspected in the unborn baby.

The lab tests can provide vital information on chromosomal abnormalities, genetic disorders, neural tube defects, and certain metabolic conditions.

After the procedure, the mother is observed for a few minutes, and if necessary, TT and progesterone injections are administered to the mother.

The lab results usually take about 4 to 15 days, depending on the type of test advised.

Amniocentesis is a relatively safe procedure. However, some complications can occur rarely, like miscarriage and preterm delivery, which can be 1 in 1000 procedures. The procedure-related complications depend on the expertise of the doctor.

Remember, this test is an important tool providing valuable information about your baby’s health. 

What is Amniocentesis? What happens during the procedure?

Baby Kicking During Pregnancy

Baby’s kicks are the sweet sensations only a mother can feel, and those are the precious moments of connection with your growing bundle of joy. At some point in the third trimester, you may start to notice that your baby’s kicks are more intense, painful, and sometimes annoying. Many mothers worry about those excessive movements. Are these excessive movements a matter of concern? Should you really be worried?

Feeling your baby’s kicks and rolls signifies a healthy, active little one. In fact, it’s a great indicator that your baby is developing well and getting stronger by the day.

There is also a misconception that a baby moves more when the umbilical cord is wrapped around the neck.

What’s important is paying attention to patterns of your baby’s movements in the womb. For example, if you notice unusually little or sudden changes in movement compared to normal, it’s always a good idea to check with your doctor. A simple ultrasound scan can tell you the well-being of your little one.

Baby Kicking During Pregnancy

What is the role of follicular scans when you have difficulty getting pregnant?

A Follicular scan is a simple ultrasound scan that plays a major role for couples trying to get pregnant.

Follicles are fluid-filled sacs in the ovary which contain eggs. It is important to monitor follicles’ growth as it releases the egg, which is called ovulation, because of which pregnancy happens.

A follicular scan tracks the follicle’s growth and ovulation in the ovaries.

The first scan is done on the second or third day of the menstrual cycle. The scan also detects abnormalities in the ovaries and uterus, such as PCOD, cysts, and tumors that may interfere with fertility.

Subsequent follicular scans happen on the 10th day of the menstrual cycle and every alternate day till ovulation. Ovulation usually occurs between the 13th to 16th day in a woman with regular menstrual cycles. When the follicular scan indicates ovulation, a couple can try for pregnancy.

Follicular scans are also done as part of infertility treatments, like IVF or IUI, to know the best time to perform these procedures.

Overall, a follicular scan is an important tool in managing infertility and can help couples achieve their dream of having a child.

What is the role of follicular scans when you have difficulty getting pregnant?

Bleeding during pregnancy

Bleeding during pregnancy can be alarming, but understanding the causes and seeking appropriate care is crucial.

Some Common causes of bleeding are

1)Implantation bleeding or subchorionic hemorrhage which usually occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy when the developing baby loosely attaches inside the womb.


3)Placental problems  

4)Cervical issues.

Seeking medical attention is important to ensure the well-being of the baby.

Ultrasound scan plays a vital role to know the underlying cause of bleeding and helps for appropriate treatment.

Solutions and treatments for bleeding during pregnancy vary depending on the cause.

Most of the subchorionic hemorrhages resolve on their own with bed rest and progesterone supplements. Whereas miscarriage, placental problems, and cervical issues need medical intervention. 

Bleeding during pregnancy

Why is sex determination illegal in India?

India has an alarming history of gender imbalance. The reason is selective sex abortion of the girl fetuses.

As per the 2011 Census, India’s Sex ratio was 943 females per 1000 males.

To address this issue, the PCPNDT Act was introduced in 1994 by the Indian government, which prohibits using techniques to determine the sex of the unborn baby.

The PCPNDT Act has effectively reduced the incidence of sex-selective abortions in India. According to an NHF survey, India’s Sex ratio in 2022 is 1020 females per 1000 males.

Under the PCPNDT Act, any person who conducts any pre-natal diagnostic techniques like ultrasound scans and genetic tests to determine the sex of the fetus is punishable with imprisonment extending up to three years and a fine extending up to Rs. 10,000.

It is understood, Parents are curious to know the sex of their unborn baby for various reasons, but asking for a sex determination from the healthcare provider is also a punishable offense.

Every girl child deserves a chance to live, dream, and contribute to the world. Let us stand together and say no to sex determination and selective abortion.

Why is sex determination illegal in India?

How twin pregnancy will happen?

Let us see how on earth multiple pregnancies happen?”

Several factors contribute to increased chances of multiple pregnancies, such as advanced mothers age 35 and above, assisted reproductive techniques like IVF, ovulation induction, and a family history of twins or multiples.

Multiple pregnancies can be twins, triplets, or more. They can be identical or non-identical. Identical twins occur when a single fertilized egg is split into two embryos sharing the same genetic material and will be of the same gender. On the other hand, non-identical twins result from the fertilization of two separate eggs by two different sperms, resulting in different genetic compositions and genders.

While multiple pregnancies are incredible and bring double joy with double trouble. The risks include premature birth, low birth weight, gestational diabetes, and gestational hypertension.

Follow me to know more about multiple pregnancies and their associated risks in my future videos.

How twin pregnancy will happen?

What is Gestational Diabetes Mellitus?

Gestational Diabetes is a common condition in which blood glucose levels are abnormally high during Pregnancy.

Why does it happen?

During Pregnancy, the unborn baby needs a continuous supply of carbohydrates. In some cases, the mother’s body cannot produce enough insulin to meet this demand, resulting in gestational Diabetes.

Gestational Diabetes usually starts in the 5th month of Pregnancy. The oral glucose tolerance test is done for all the expecting mothers to detect the condition.  

Not all pregnant women need to develop gestational Diabetes. However, the conditions that increase the risk of developing this condition include

  1. Overweight the mother
  2. History of Diabetes in a previous pregnancy
  3. Family history of early-onset Diabetes mellitus
  4. Women with PCOD

The complications include

1)The baby will be overweight in the womb resulting in multiple complications like a heart defect, shoulder injury during delivery, lung immaturity, and sometimes stillbirth.

2)Polyhydramnios, where excess fluid around the baby results in difficult labor.

Your regular pregnancy scans can detect most of the complications.

You can manage the condition by

  1. Strictly maintaining blood sugar levels within permissible limits
  2. A good diet
  3. Regular exercise
  4. Prescribed medications.

Gestational Diabetes is not permanent. The condition reverses post-delivery in most cases. 

What is Gestational Diabetes Mellitus?

Why is it important to balance thyroid hormones during pregnancy?

Thyroid hormones are essential for regulating metabolism, energy, and growth, critical to both the mother’s and the baby’s health during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the demand for thyroid hormones increases due to various factors to support the growing baby and ensure a healthy pregnancy. That’s why it’s super important to check your thyroid hormones as soon as your pregnancy is confirmed.The low levels of thyroid hormones can lead to complications like low birth weight, preterm delivery, and developmental issues if left untreated. So 

what can you do?

Maintaining TSH levels between 0.3-3.0 mIU/L during pregnancy is crucial.

A high TSH level means hypothyroidism, which means you need to take thyroid supplements throughout the pregnancy for your and your baby’s health.

A state-of-the-art diagnostic center in Sarjapur main road, Bangalore that provides outstanding services by experienced, certified, and well-reputed doctors. ‘add-on Scans & Labs’ is the top 10 & best high-tech diagnostic center in Bangalore. NABH & ISO certified lab with Scanning, Blood test, Digital X-ray, Dental X-Ray (OPG), Doppler, ECHO, Health Checkups & Consultations service.

Why is it important to balance thyroid hormones during pregnancy?

How to prepare for a Glucose Tolerance Test in pregnancy?

A Glucose tolerance test is a gold standard test to diagnose gestational Diabetes. 

This test is usually done in the second trimester of pregnancy. ⏰

The glucose tolerance test is done in a fasting state, meaning pregnant women should not consume food 8-10 hours before the test except for plain water. 

Firstly, pregnant women are made to consume 75 or 100 grams of flavored glucose mixed with 250 ml of water.

Blood sugar levels are checked after one hour of drinking glucose water.

Two blood samples are collected at one-hour intervals after drinking the glucose water.

As per ADA guidelines, ✅

 A blood sugar below 140 mg/dL is considered normal. However, most doctors advise pregnant women to maintain a sugar level below 110 mg/dL. 

A value between 140mg/dL and 190 mg/dL suggests the likelihood of developing gestational Diabetes, and any value above 190mg/dL confirms gestational Diabetes.

 This test is important to know and monitor gestational Diabetes as there are many risks associated with it in the pregnancy.

How to prepare for a Glucose Tolerance Test in pregnancy?

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome(PCOS) - Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐲𝐜𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐎𝐯𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐞 or 𝐏𝐂𝐎𝐒 is a hormonal condition common among women of reproductive age. 𝐏𝐂𝐎𝐒 is a “syndrome,” or group of symptoms that affects the ovaries and ovulation and other factors like cysts in the ovaries, higher levels of male hormones or estrogen, and irregular or skipped menstrual periods. 

The exact causes of 𝐏𝐂𝐎𝐒 are unknown, but it has been linked to genetic conditions, excessive production of androgen and/or insulin, obesity, and low-grade inflammation. The most common 𝐏𝐂𝐎𝐒 symptoms include:

  1. Irregular periods 
  2. Acne 
  3. Excessive body hair growth 
  4. Female pattern baldness 
  5. Weight changes 

The aim of 𝐏𝐂𝐎𝐒 𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡 is to help improve the lives of those affected by 𝐏𝐂𝐎𝐒 and to help them to overcome their symptoms as well as prevent and reduce their risks for life-threatening related diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and cancer.

Consult a doctor immediately to seek treatment if you have any or all symptoms.

There are no tests that can be used for 𝐏𝐂𝐎𝐒 diagnosis. It is done by taking a thorough medical history of the patient with notes regarding irregular menstrual periods, weight changes, etc. The doctor may request a blood test, pelvic exam, or pelvic ultrasound as well to confirm the diagnosis. 

In addition, they may prescribe medications like hormonal birth control, anti-androgens, or fertility medicines. Further PCOS treatment can be provided through surgery or laparoscopic ovarian drilling.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome(PCOS) - Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

What is Fetal Echo & Why is it Important in Pregnancy ?

A fetal echo, or fetal echocardiogram, is an ultrasound study performed between 18-22 weeks of pregnancy.

During a fetal echo, the doctor can look closely at the structure and function of the fetal heart to check for any abnormalities or issues.

The fetal heart is studied during routine anomaly scans, but a detailed study like Fetal Echo is advised under the following circumstances

  1. If you have Conceived by assisted reproductive techniques like IVF
  2. If the mother’s age is more than 35 years
  3. If there is a family history of congenital heart disease or another child born with heart defects.
  1. If a Genetic problem is found in the fetus during an anomaly scan
  2. If a mother is taking medicines for depression, seizures, acne, or blood pressure, that increases the baby’s chances of having congenital heart disease.
  3. If a mother is an alcoholic or drug addict during pregnancy.
  4. If a mother is having health problems like Diabetes, Lupus, metabolic diseases or infections like Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, etc

Fetal Echo is an important study as it helps us understand the complexity of a baby’s heart defects and whether an intervention is required.

What is Fetal Echo & Why is it Important in Pregnancy?

Is fetal hydronephrosis a life-threatening condition in unborn babies?

Fetal hydronephrosis, also called pyelectasis, is a condition that causes swelling of the kidneys in an unborn baby due to the accumulation of urine in the kidney.

The condition affects approximately 1% to 5% of all pregnancies and is usually identified during the second or third-trimester ultrasound scans.

The condition is classified as mild, moderate, or severe, depending on the size of the swelling. While most mild cases, which are less than 5mm in size, resolve on their own, more severe cases can cause kidney damage in the baby.

In some cases, fetal hydronephrosis may indicate the presence of Down’s syndrome, but this is not always the case. Therefore, doctors generally perform a detailed scan to rule out other abnormalities. During pregnancy, follow-up ultrasounds are recommended to determine the severity of the condition. If hydronephrosis persists even after birth, ultrasound and X-ray are performed to ensure the baby’s kidneys are healthy and to know whether a surgical correction is necessary for the proper functioning of the kidneys.

Is fetal hydronephrosis a life-threatening condition in unborn babies?

What should be the ideal weight gain of a pregnant woman during pregnancy?

Here’s what you need to know.

During the first trimester, the ideal weight gain should be 500gm to 1.8 kilograms.

In the second trimester, you may have to add 400gm-600gm every week since your baby is growing fast, and so you are.

During the third trimester, the weight gain should be 300gm-400gm every week.

The total weight gain during the pregnancy depends on various factors, including the mother’s pre-pregnancy weight, BMI, and individual health considerations. However, as a general guideline:

For women with a healthy pre-pregnancy weight whose BMI is 18.5-24.9, the recommended total weight gain is typically between 11 to 15 kilograms

For an underweight woman whose BMI is less than 18.5, the recommended total weight gain may be slightly higher, between 12.5 and 18 kilograms.

The ideal weight gain for an overweight woman whose BMI is more than 25 is 7 to 11 kilograms.

Remember, maintaining a healthy weight gain during pregnancy is not only essential for your appearance, but it’s also crucial for a healthy pregnancy.  If you find your weight gain deviating from the ideal range, it’s always a good idea to consult a nutritionist.

Attention all pregnant mothers who love cats!

You don’t want to miss this video.

Have you ever wondered about the connection between your cat friend and the risk of infection called toxoplasmosis for you and your unborn baby?

Toxoplasmosis is caused by a tiny parasite that can spread by cats and contaminated soil from cat litter. But don’t panic – it’s not all bad news

Being in close contact with your cat isn’t a direct ticket to trouble, but it does come with some precautions. Cats can become infected by hunting or eating raw meat. The risk is significantly lower if your cat is an indoor pet. However, if your kitty ventures outdoors, be cautious!

So, what are the symptoms of toxoplasmosis? They can be quite subtle such as flu-like symptoms, swollen lymph nodes, or body pain, but for pregnant moms, they can pose serious risks.

If a pregnant woman contracts toxoplasmosis, the parasite can be transmitted to the baby in the uterus, leading to congenital toxoplasmosis. This can result in severe complications for the unborn baby, including brain and eye damage which can be suspected during pregnancy scans.

Now, how can you prevent toxoplasmosis? First and foremost, maintain good hygiene. Wash your hands thoroughly after touching the cat, handling cat litter, or gardening. Wear gloves while gardening, and let someone else handle the litter if possible.

But what if we suspect congenital toxoplasmosis in unborn baby? Don’t panic -Consult your doctor immediately. They can conduct few tests to confirm and prescribe appropriate treatment to safeguard you and your baby.

Attention all pregnant mothers who love cats!

What is an HSG test?

HSG, also called hysterosalpingogram, is a specialized X-ray procedure that is used to see the inside of the uterus and fallopian tubes. HSG checks scarring or abnormalities in the uterus and fallopian tubes that can lead to infertility.

Ladies, remember, it is best to schedule HSG between days 7 and 10 of your menstrual cycle. 

Rest assured, HSG test is a simple and safe procedure. It requires minimal preparation, such as taking painkillers and antibiotics, to ensure comfort and safety. 

During HSG test, a contrast agent, or dye, is gently inserted into the uterus and fallopian tubes. 

This dye is a bright structure on X-ray screen, outlining the inner size and shape of your uterus and fallopian tubes. 

You may feel mild crampy pain when the dye enters the uterine cavity, but it lasts for a short while and is usually manageable with simple painkillers and muscle relaxants. There may be slight bleeding, but there won’t be any significant complications with HSG.

By identifying potential obstacles early on through the HSG test, couples can enhance their chances of achieving pregnancy.

What is an HSG test?

What is Biochemical Pregnancy ?

1) A biochemical pregnancy, also called as chemical pregnancy, happens when a fertilized egg implants in the uterus and releases pregnancy hormones, but fails to progress, thereby resulting in an early miscarriage.

2) These instances of pregnancy loss are quite common. In fact, approximately 20-25 percent of IVF pregnancies end up being biochemical pregnancies.

3) It is essential to note that chemical pregnancies occur so early that some women may not even realize they are pregnant. In such cases, only urine and blood tests shows positive signs of pregnancy but cannot be confirmed on ultrasound scans

4) Typically, chromosomal abnormalities in the developing embryo, hormonal imbalance, or issues with implantation in the uterine lining are the usual culprits that prevent pregnancy from advancing beyond the early stages. 

5) It’s important to remember that day-to-day stress,  exercise, and lifting objects do not cause biochemical pregnancy. Therefore, it’s important not to blame yourself or feel guilty.

What is Biochemical Pregnancy ?

What is ectopic pregnancy?

Five things you gotta know about ectopic pregnancy!

1.What exactly is ectopic pregnancy?

the fertilized egg camps outside the uterus, typically in the fallopian tube.

2.Where can these ectopic pregnancies happen?

the fallopian tube is their favorite spot, but rarely ectopics can happen in the ovaries, abdomen, or even the cervix.”

3. here’s the scary part: ectopic pregnancies bring some serious risks, like ruptured tubes and dangerous bleeding. Quick medical help is a must to avoid these dangers and keep mother safe.”

4. What are the reasons for ectopic pregnancy?

Things like past ectopic pregnancies, pelvic infection or inflammation, uterus surgeries, or endometriosis are the common reasons for ectopic pregnancy.

5. lastly, why is early detection so crucial?

”Early diagnosis is crucial for  making life safer for the mother. That’s why early prenatal visits and early pregnancy scans are a must.

The earlier ectopic pregnancy is detected, the better the management options, which can include medication or surgery.”d your and your doctors control.

What is ectopic pregnancy?

What is the safest way to travel during pregnancy?

The video discusses the safest ways to travel during pregnancy, focusing on comfort and safety for long-distance journeys. Here are some key tips:

  • Short Distance (3-4 hours): Opt for a road trip if the road conditions are good. A comfortable car ride allows for flexibility and control, enabling frequent breaks for stretching to promote circulation and reduce discomfort.
  • Hydration: Keep water handy for hydration during the journey.
  • Longer Distances: Consider train or air travel. Air travel is generally safe in the second trimester, with most airlines allowing domestic travel until around 36 weeks of pregnancy. Check specific airline policies, especially for international flights.
  • Consult a Doctor: Always prioritize comfort and safety, and consult your doctor before planning your trip.

What is the safest way to travel during pregnancy?

What is amniotic fluid and why is it important?

Amniotic fluid, also known as Liquor amnii, is a fluid that surrounds the baby in the womb. Amniotic fluid is essential for the baby’s development and protection, as it cushions and provides a favorable temperature. Abnormal amniotic fluid levels in pregnancy can indicate a potential complication, such as infection, fetal growth restriction, fetal abnormalities, and preterm labor.

Ultrasound scans are the only means to measure amniotic fluid levels during pregnancy. Reduced amounts of amniotic fluid is called oligohydramnios, where the single vertical pocket of fluid is less than 2cm or AFI less than 8. Oligohydramnios can be due to placental problems, premature rupture of membranes, or fetal abnormalities, especially kidney problems.

An oligohydramnios is treated by improving mothers’ nutrition, hydration, and arginine supplements.

An increased amniotic fluid is called polyhydramnios, where the single vertical pocket of fluid is more than 8 cm or AFI of more than 20.

Polyhydramnios can be due to gestational diabetes, fetus infections, or fetal abnormalities, especially intestine problems in the baby. But in most cases, there is no cause found for polyhydramnios. Hence no treatment is done.

An abnormal liquor level can impact the pregnancy and mode of delivery, so it is important for follow-up scans and proper treatment.

What is amniotic fluid and why is it important?

How to get rid of pregnancy pelvic pain?

Pregnancy Pains – Understanding and relieving the symptoms

Pregnant women often complain of pain in the pelvis area or in the lower back and ask me if it is normal.

Pelvic pain is a common symptom experienced by most pregnant women during any stage of pregnancy. 

The most common reasons for pelvic pain are

  1. Due to Hormonal changes: During pregnancy, the body produces hormones that relax and loosens ligaments and joints, causing pain and discomfort.
  2. Increased weight and pressure: As the baby grows, the uterus expands and puts pressure on your pelvic bones and joints, which can cause pain.
  3. Posture changes: Your centre of gravity shifts during pregnancy, which can cause changes in your posture and lead to pelvic and back pain.
  4. Short cervix or cervical incompetence which is usually diagnosed by ultrasound scan
  5. Stress: Pregnancy is stressful, and stress can cause muscle tension and pain in the pelvic region.

One should consult a Doctor

  1. If the pain is constant and severe even after adequate resting or 
  2. If one notices bleeding or spotting and unusual discharge, 
  3. Regular cramping or tightening Pain, or 
  4. Pain while passing urine.

One cannot entirely prevent pain during pregnancy; however, 

here are 5 important tips to reduce the severity of pain 

  1. Maintain a good posture: Try to stand up straight and avoid slouching. You can use a chair with good back support when sitting.
  2. Exercise regularly and stay active: Regular exercise can help strengthen your muscles and reduce pain. One can consider low-impact activities like walking or prenatal yoga.
  3. Practice good sleeping habits: Sleep on your side with a pillow between your knees to support your pelvis and reduce pressure.
  4. Use pelvic support belts: Pelvic support belts can help support your pelvis and reduce pain and discomfort.
  5. If you cannot bear the Pain, consult a physiotherapist. A physiotherapist can help you develop an exercise program to strengthen your muscles and reduce the pain.

How to get rid of pregnancy pelvic pain?

What happens, if both the parents having the same blood group ?

If both parents have the same blood group, several outcomes are possible for their children’s blood types, depending on the specific blood group they share. Here’s a brief overview based on the ABO blood group system:

ABO Blood Group System

  1. Both Parents Have Blood Group A
    • Possible blood groups for children: A or O
    • Genotypes: AA or AO
  2. Both Parents Have Blood Group B
    • Possible blood groups for children: B or O
    • Genotypes: BB or BO
  3. Both Parents Have Blood Group AB
    • Possible blood groups for children: A, B, or AB
    • Genotypes: AB
  4. Both Parents Have Blood Group O
    • Possible blood group for children: O
    • Genotype: OO

Rh Factor

  • Both Parents Rh Positive (Rh+)
    • Children will likely be Rh positive.
  • Both Parents Rh Negative (Rh-)
    • Children will be Rh negative.
  • One Parent Rh Positive, One Rh Negative
    • Children can be either Rh positive or Rh negative, depending on the inheritance of the Rh factor.

Genetic Combinations

The ABO blood type and Rh factor are inherited independently from each parent. The combination of alleles from each parent determines the child’s blood type. For example, if both parents have blood type A (genotype AO), there’s a chance their child could have blood type O if they inherit the O allele from both parents.

In summary, having the same blood group doesn’t pose any inherent health risks for parents or their children, but it influences the possible blood types of their offspring. If you need more detailed genetic probabilities, a Punnett square analysis for the specific blood types of the parents can be used.

What happens, if both the parents having the same blood group ?

How to reduce stretch marks during pregnancy?

The video provides five tips from a celebrity dermatologist on how to reduce stretch marks during pregnancy:

  1. Moisturize: Apply moisturizers, such as bio oils, coconut oil, shea butter, or cocoa butter, twice daily. Massaging helps improve circulation.
  2. Mindful Weight Gain: In the first three months, aim to gain 1.5 to 2 kg, then about 1 kg per month thereafter. An overall gain of 10 to 14 kg is ideal.
  3. Hydration: Drink 2 to 3 liters of water daily. Include tender coconut water and fresh fruit juices in your diet.
  4. Protein-Rich Diet: Include meats, fish, eggs, or, for vegetarians, soya and tofu to ensure adequate protein intake.
  5. Exercise: Engage in pregnancy-friendly exercises like yoga or dance. Exercise helps keep you healthy and releases endorphins, which boost happiness.

How to reduce stretch marks during pregnancy?

Can Marrying Relatives Affect Pregnancy?

Marriage in blood relation is called Consanguinity.

Consanguineous marriage increases the chance of inheriting harmful genes from both parents, leading to disabilities in the baby.

Does every consanguineous marriage cause a problem? Not necessary. The chance of genetic problems in the baby depends on the degree of Consanguinity, like

1)In First-degree consanguineous marriage between siblings or parent-child, which is very rare and prohibited as it increases the risk of genetic disorders in the baby.

2)In Second Degree Consanguineous, where marrying first cousins is common in many cultures. Here, the risk of genetic complications is around 4-7%

3)In Third Degree Consanguineous, marrying distant relatives like second cousins or beyond carries minimal genetic risks.

In case of Consanguineous marriage, couple should undergo genetic counseling, which helps to assess the risks based on family medical history and helps to make better decisions.

Can Marrying Relatives Affect Pregnancy?

Holes in Babies’ Hearts! Should you be worried?

Have you ever been told that there are “holes” in your baby’s heart during a pregnancy scan?

Let me explain what this means. In medical terms, these are often referred to as “ventricular septal defects” (VSDs) or “atrial septal defects” (ASDs). If you are worried, don’t panic! Although it may sound scary, many of these tiny holes close up on their own before birth or shortly after. However, it’s important to monitor them closely with regular check-ups.

Holes in Babies’ Hearts! Should you be worried?

10 Important Lab Tests One Should Never Miss in their Pregnancy

  1. Complete blood count(CBC) in which Hemoglobin and platelet counts are important parameters
  2. Blood grouping and Rh typing are required in case of blood transfusion and Rh Incompatibility.
  3. Fasting blood sugar ( FBS) to check the sugar levels.
  4. Thyroid function test ( TSH)- to check thyroid hormone level.
  5. Urine routine to check for urine infection and loss of proteins in the urine.
  6. Hepatitis B( HBsAg)
  7. Hepatitis C( HCV)
  8. VDRL
  9. HIV
  10. Rubella IgG and IgM

10 Important Lab Tests One Should Never Miss in their Pregnancy

What is the ideal heartbeat of the baby inside the womb?

So, what should be the ideal heart rate of the baby inside the womb?

The baby’s heart is the first organ to develop and function, which is as early as 5-6 weeks of pregnancy, and it should function by seven weeks to call it a healthy pregnancy. Baby’s heartbeats are easily seen on ultrasound scans.

The baby’s heart rate ranges between 100 to 120 beats/min to begin and gradually rises to 140 to 180 beats/min towards the end of the first trimester.

During the second and third trimesters, the baby’s heart rate ranges between 130 to 170 beats/min.

The baby’s heart rate fluctuates throughout pregnancy depending on its activity; the heart rate rises if the movement is more.

A slow heart rate is called bradycardia if it is less than 100 beats/min. A fast heart rate is called tachycardia if it is over 200 beats/min. Both these conditions need immediate attention from an expert doctor.

What is the ideal heartbeat of the baby inside the womb?

How to prepare for the glucose challenge test in pregnancy?

glucose challenge test during pregnancy, explained by Dr. Sunil Kumar G S. He provides tips on what to expect, how to prepare, and the importance of this test for detecting gestational diabetes.

How to prepare for the glucose challenge test in pregnancy?

How to find the right doctor & facility in your pregnancy?

Top 5 tips for finding the right doctor and facility for your Pregnancy

  1. Ask your family, friends, coworkers, or neighbors for recommendations. You can also check reviews online to help make your decision. 
  2. Pick a doctor or healthcare facility nearby for easy visits and emergencies.  Sometimes, smaller places can be more affordable and time-saving. 
  3. Consider choosing a specialized hospital, like one for mothers and children, as they have a dedicated team and facilities. If you have a high-risk pregnancy, a multi-specialty hospital might be better. 
  4. Ensure the hospital has an excellent Intensive care unit (ICU) for your newborn in case of unexpected issues during delivery.
  5. Take a moment to confirm whether the healthcare facility accepts your health insurance. 

Remember, finding the right doctor and facility is essential for a healthy and stress-free pregnancy journey! 

How to find the right doctor & facility in your pregnancy?

What it is going to be normal or C- Section ?

This is one of the frequent questions I encounter from my patients who come for pregnancy scans.

But the fact is, there are no tests that give you a 100% guarantee that the delivery will be normal or C-Section. However, the chances for normal delivery are more than 80 percent in the following conditions:

  1. If it’s your first pregnancy
  2. If the baby’s head is down, we call it a cephalic presentation.
  3. If the pregnancy has crossed 37 weeks, that is term pregnancy.
  4. If the labor pain starts on its own.

Even if all these conditions are met, there is no guarantee that it will be a normal delivery.

You might go through the labor pain, but several factors like the cord around the baby’s neck, Fluctuation in the baby’s heart rate, Small size of the mother’s pelvis and large baby head, Slow progress of labor, etc may not favor normal delivery and they may rush you to emergency C section.

However, I recommend all expecting mothers to stay active, eat healthily, and practice guided exercises throughout the pregnancy for smooth delivery

What it is going to be normal or C- Section ?

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For timely assistance, our customer care team is available to call back between 7.00 AM to 8.30 PM.

We add-on scans and labs strive to be the first choice in healthcare by providing high quality services to improve diagnostic services in health care.

To book a blood test, or an online blood collection or to enquire about our services,
call +91-9900811118 or visit our website